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Goosebumps! Our first nominated pigeon "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108) did it again. She excelled on the national Chateauroux (526km) race.
The birds had to stay in the basket for three nights on the national Issoudun (505km) race. It was a beautiful race with many top birds in front! Our super pigeon “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042) excelled again. We had again 5 birds in the national top 100 and a very high prize percentage. After the bad weather of the last week, our youngsters could finally participate to their first official race of the season, Noyon (208km)! It was a very satisfying start of the young birds season for us.
Our superstar “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042) flew another top prize on the national Issoudun (505km) race today! The birds had to stay in the basket for three nights.
The weather circumstances for racing pigeons are tough for already several weeks. Also this weekend the birds had to be persistent to find their way back home. The birds had to deal with turning winds (mainly head winds). The weather was also changing during the day from rainy till sunny. It was not an easy task for the birds. This kind of races is perfect for our pigeons to make the difference. They excelled again. We sent birds to the middle distance race Melun (310km) and the national race Argenton (555km). In this article we will discuss our results on the Melun (310km) race.
The weather circumstances for racing pigeons are tough for already several weeks. Also this weekend the birds had to be persistent to find their way back home. The birds had to deal with turning winds (mainly head winds). The weather was also changing during the day from rainy till sunny. It was not an easy task for the birds. This kind of races is perfect for our pigeons to make the difference. They excelled again. We sent birds to the middle distance race Melun (310km) and the national race Argenton (555km). In this article we will discuss our results on the Argenton (552km) race.
We had another successful racing weekend at our loft. For the third weekend in a row the weather circumstances were tough. The pigeons had to deal with summer temperatures and sidewinds. On top of that the birds had to fly in cloudy weather. Especially this last factor had as a result that some races were difficult. We sent birds to Sermaises (362km), the semi-national race La Chatre (544km) and the national race Limoges (672km).
We had another top racing weekend. In this article we will discuss our result on the national race Chateauroux (526km). It was a tough race. The birds had to stay in the basket for three nights because of the bad weather on Saturday. On Sunday the birds had to deal with headwinds and a temperature that rose till 25°C. We sent a small team to this national race and our pigeons did again a great job!
We had another top racing weekend. In this article we will discuss our result on the middle distance race Sermaises (362km). It was a tough race. The birds had to stay two nights in the basket because of the bad weather on Saturday. On Sunday the birds had to deal with headwinds and a temperature that rose till 25°C. The perfect weather for our pigeons to make the difference!
In the previous news article you could already read about our great results on the national Bourges (477km) race. The same day we also had the middle distance race Sermaises (362km). It was quite a tough race with headwinds from start till end and a burning sun. Our racing team also did a great job on the Sermaises (362km) race by winning the 1° prize against 1,556 old birds and many more top prizes!
This weekend it was time for the first national race of the year, the famous Bourges (477km) race! During the three weeks before this Bourges race we had bad weather in Belgium for pigeons : strong tailwinds, a lot of rain and low temperatures. But for this race, the weather circumstances finally changed! The Bourges race was a tough one with headwinds from start till end and a burning sun. These were the perfect circumstances for talented birds to make the difference. Our new star “Queen Mustang”(BE19-6016108) prevailed and was the fastest of all the 9,041 pigeons in the province of Antwerp!
It was a very fast weekend with average speeds of almost 2,000 m/min. We decided to keep the team at home that dominated the Melun (310km) race the weekend before. Instead we sent our hens (yearlings and old birds) that are meant for the long distance races later on this year. They were sitting on eggs till last week and they flew only 1x 104km and 1x 208km before. They need to be at their best starting from June.
This weekend it was time for the first middle distance race of the season, Melun (310km). The release of the pigeons was postponed till Sunday because of the bad weather on Saturday. This meant that the birds had to stay two nights in the basket, so early in the season. On the way back home the birds had to deal with sidewinds from the Northwest. If you also bear in mind that the temperatures didn’t rise higher than 10-11°C, you know that the races were quite tough for the pigeons. We sent our racing hens to the Melun race and they flew an outstanding result on this race! We began with 1 and 2 against 1,670 pigeons and we had no less than 8 (!) pigeons in the top 11 of the result! Our racing cocks and some other hens we sent to the Noyon race (one night of basket) and also they flew very well!
This weekend we sent our racing hens to Noyon (208km). It is only a short distance race but it was quite a tough flight. The birds had to deal with strong headwinds plus the temperature was still cold this early in the season. We see these races as preparation races for the more important races to come. Nevertheless we are very happy about the result of this weekend.
The start of the national racing season is getting closer and closer. The first middle distance race (310km) will be flown on 1 May. Meanwhile we are preparing our racing team by entering them on the short distance races. We are still keeping the super condition away because the season is long, we want to race till early September!
Let us present you “Puncher”(BE17-6025361). He is the first-born child of “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400) after he moved to our breeding loft in Vremde.
Here you can see a short movie about our top pigeon “Power Barco”(BE16-6032318). He was a very skilled racer with a.o. 1° Melun (310km) against 954 pigeons, on a race with very hard weather circumstances. “Power Barco”(BE16-6032318) also won 2° National Chateauroux (526km), only beaten by the famous pigeon “Maria”(BE16-6023127) from Gaston Van De Wouwer (Berlaar, BE) who was recently sold for 700,000 Euro.
One of the most remarkable pigeons in Belgium’s pigeon racing this year was our blue hen “La Donna”(B18-6020283). This small to medium sized hen has proven that she has that special capability to excel on all distances and in all weather circumstances.
Yesterday the last national race of the season, Chateauroux (526km), took place. It has been difficult this year for the western part of Belgium to classify early on the national races 450-600km because of the western winds that have been present throughout most of the national races. Also the fanciers of the middle part of Belgium, where we are living, were often not happy with those western winds. But unfortunately we can’t choose the weather circumstances and maybe next year it will be different! The national Chateauroux race was quite a tough one. In France the birds had to deal with wind from the Northwest. In Belgium the wind direction changed to West. Only one bird flew faster than 1,300 mpm. We entered our racing hens for this last national flight. They were motivated with the natural method: some of them had eggs, others had small babies. We are very proud on their performance, they did a great job. We received some nice messages from well-known fanciers who were impressed by our result. They know how the national races from 450-600km work and they said it was impossible for our birds to perform any better than they did, on the national level we were only beaten by fanciers who are located much more to the East.
It was again a busy racing weekend at the Vercammen loft with three races on Saturday: Melun (310km) and the national races Tulle (657km) and Bourges (479km). There was a strong tailwind blowing that day which resulted in fast races. Tough races are the most favorite type of races for our birds, but also in this kind of fast races our birds flew well!
We had a very busy racing weekend with three races on the same day. The races were rather difficult. There was almost no wind blowing but the temperatures were rather high. Especially for the youngsters the races were challenging. We were very happy about our results this weekend. No less than five different pigeons won a first prize! Our youngsters dominated the middle distance race Sermaises and our superstar “La Donna”(B18-6020283) showed again why she is one of the very best pigeons in Belgium. On the national Brive (704km) the province of Antwerp was rather unlucky. In the late afternoon several heavy thunderstorms and rain showers were present for the Antwerp birds on their racing track back home. Because of this they lost a lot of time, only one Antwerp pigeon could be found in the national top 100. So we had to focus on the regional results instead and with 1-2-3 these were satisfying of course.
The national Bourges (479km) race was a very tough one. The predicted weather circumstances were extremely tough, that is why the KBDB decided to organize the Bourges race this time only for old birds and yearlings. The national Bourges race for young birds will be flown two weeks later. The temperatures past weekend were between 35°C and 40°C. This extremely warm weather in combination with calm headwinds made it a racing edition to remember. In the evening the race was not finished yet… Luckily the day after most of the birds made it home.
It was a fast race last weekend. Our national result on National Limoges (672km) of the week before was more sensational but with 24°, 49° and 99° National La Souterraine (593km) against 15,939 pigeons we can’t be on the complaining side of course!
In the previous article you could already read some more information about our spectacular result on the national Limoges (672km) race. We entered birds on the national Issoudun (504km) race as well. Also on this race the result was more than satisfying! On this race we entered mostly our racing cocks. Only three hens were entered for this race, including our star racer "La Donna"(B18-6020283).
Our long distance team was again on fire on the national Limoges II (672km) race last weekend. We sent 23 old birds and 13 yearlings to this national race. Our birds were again ranked in the top of the national result. The average speed of the winner was 1,308 mpm which made it a fairly tough race.
We had again a great result on the national Argenton (555km) race! It was a tough race. In France the birds had to deal with rather strong headwinds. When they approached the Belgian border, the wind direction changed to the West/Northwest. Because of this, the national toppers were to be found in the East of Belgium but our birds defended their honour with class!
Last weekend the national long distance season started in Belgium with the Limoges (672km) race. A heavily anticipated race on which many top racers entered their best pigeons. Also for us this was an important race where we wanted to excel. We sent a team of 22 old birds to this race. Our pigeons showed their class on this race and amazed the pigeon world. We started with 2° - 3° and 6° National against appr. 16,000 pigeons! We had 5 birds in the national top 50. This is really a result to cherish.
There was a strong wind blowing from the Southwest today which resulted in extremely fast races. This is not at all the type of weather our pigeons prefer. Our blue hen “Rika”(B19-6016097) managed to excel however, she won the 1° Sermaises (362km) against 2,274 pigeons! She had an average velocity of 1917,24 m/min or more than 115 km/h!
After the late start of the season because of the global corona problems, the racing birds in Belgium had their second official race of the year last Saturday. Where we won 1° Melun (310km) against 2,759 pigeons in the first official race but the team result could be better, our racing team stepped up their game in the second race weekend. They are getting closer and closer to their best form. This is the perfect timing with the national races around the corner. This weekend we entered birds on the middle distance race Sermaises (362km) and the semi-national race Vierzon (476km). Our birds did a very good job.
Yesterday the racing season in Belgium could finally start after all the corona troubles. It was a big relief for all the Belgian fanciers. Our pigeons were sent to Melun (310km). On the very first race of the season we were already able to have a big victory: in Union Antwerpen we won 1° Melun (310km) against 2,759 pigeons!
Today, on Christmas, the semi-final race in the Thailand One Loft Race (Bangkok) took place. The pigeons were released in Nong Bualumpoo and the pigeons had to fly 430km to get back home. It was the first tough race of this edition of the Thailand One Loft Race. The first arrival had an average velocity of 1,202 m/min.
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