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Successful young birds team

In the previous article you could already read an extensive report about the national races Tulle (657km) and Bourges (472km). In this article you can read more about the young birds races of last weekend. We sent our entire team of racing to two different races for young birds. The races were fast with a rather strong wind blowing from the West to Southwest. Our pigeons prefer tougher weather circumstances. Nevertheless our birds were again outstanding. It is really a joy to have such a talented team of racers.

Our pigeons won the following results:

31/07/2021 Nanteuil (259km)
Interfederation 1,540 youngsters: 2-3-5-7-8-12-17-29-37-45-55-65-76-77-78-81-86-87…  59/99

Interfederation 822 old birds: 5-13-28-33-…  13/19

01/08/2021 Noyon (208km)
Federation 397 youngsters: 1-2-5-13-20-22-23-29-33-38-…  27/58

31/07/2021 Bourges (479km)
National zone 2,082 yearlings: 7-26-…  8/14
National 11,952 yearlings: 78-…

National zone 1,003 old birds: 15-20-30-44-…  7/11

31/07/2021 Tulle (657km)
Club 106 old birds: 1-2-…  7/14
National zone 1,300 old birds: 7-17-…
National 5,067 old birds: 35-70-…

Club 130 yearlings: 1-2-3-5-6-7-…  13/32
National zone 2,232 yearlings: 5-31-43-49-51-69-…
National 7,267 yearlings: 27-…


Let us start with the Nanteuil (259km) race. We were very happy about the result on this race. There was an upcoming tailwind during this race and most of our competitors for this flight race 15-20km more than us. So it was not an easy task for our birds to fly a top position. 

Our first arrival was the dark checkered hen BE21-6138113. She is a daughter to “Diamond Elektro”(BE16-6032331) x “Mercedes”(BE18-6020232). This means that she is a granddaughter to both “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). BE21-6138113 is also a half-sister to one of the best pigeons in Belgium during the season 2021, “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108)!

New talent BE21-6138113 is a half-sister to "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)

“Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108) won a.o. :
1° fast. National zone Chateauroux (526km) 2,650 p. (1,081 m/min) (8h7min flying)
1° fast. Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,280 p. (9 minutes ahead)
6° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,099 p.
1° fast. Provincial Bourges (479km) 9,041 p. (1,227 m/min)
2° National z. Bourges (479km) 4,313 p.
60° National Bourges (479km) 34,311 p.
1° Chevrain (354km) 869 p.
9° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 512 p.
11° Argenton (555km) 473 p.
17° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
18° Noyon (208km) 662 p.

Our second arrival was the blue hen BE21-6138120. This beautiful pigeon is a daughter to the top pair “London”(BE16-6032120) x “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749). BE21-6138120 is a full sister to “Madrid”(BE19-6016217), winner of 1° National zone Limoges (672km) 2,875 pigeons / 5° National Limoges (672km) against 9,756 pigeons. This year another child of “London”(BE16-6032120) won 1° Sermaises (362km) against 1,929 pigeons. Also the top racing cock BE19-6016335 is of the pair “London”(BE16-6032120) x “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749).

BE21-6138120 has got the perfect body

Our third arrival was the dark hen BE21-6138101. She is a granddaughter to “Samsung”(BE15-6026082).

The dark hen BE21-6138101 is a granddaughter to "Samsung"(BE15-6026082)

Our fourth arrival was the checkered cock BE21-6138109. He is a son to “Puncher”(BE17-6025361). After a great racing career “Puncher”(BE17-6025361) is now part of our breeding loft and his children are showing great potential. “Puncher”(BE17-6025361) is a son to “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400) x “Bambi”(BE13-6026002). The mother of BE21-6138109 is a daughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630).

BE21-6138109 is a son to "Puncher"(BE17-6025361) and grandson to "Elektro"(BE08-6174630)

Arrival number five was the blue cock BE21-6138110. He is a son to famous “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). His mother is “Hainan 85”(BE17-6025485), a valuable breeding hen and a double grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

BE21-6138110 is a son to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)

Our sixth arrival was the checkered hen BE21-6138234. She is also a child to the super “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). Her mother is top breeding hen “Cobra”(BE14-6175418) who is a full sister to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

"Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) is one of the crown jewels of the Vercammen loft

We sent also some old birds to the Nanteuil (259km) race. Our first nominated bird BE20-6166100 was again in the head of the race. She wins 5° Nanteuil (259km) against 822 pigeons. Last week she won 1° Fay-aux-Loges (402km) 601 pigeons / 6° Provincial Fay-aux-Loges (402km) 1,709 pigeons in tough weather circumstances. The week before that she won 4° Sermaises (362km) against 1,226 birds. BE20-6166100 is a daughter to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) x "Cobra"(BE14-6175418). The children of "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) are performing on a very high level!

Our first nominated BE20-6166100 is also a daughter to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)



Now we will introduce you to the first arrivals of the Noyon (208km) race. It was the first official race ever for this group of pigeons. Immediately they won the 1° and 2° prize. We can be very satisfied about their debut.

The first prize was won by the checkered cock BE21-6138054. He is a grandson to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). Our fourth arrival on this race is also a full brother to BE21-6138054! Their mother is a daughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). It is the first time that we have bred from this hen and the results look promising.

First prize winner BE21-6138054 is a grandson to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)

The second prize was won by the blue white flight cock BE21-6138184. He is a half-brother to “Power Barco”(BE16-6032318). His mother is “Dubai”(BE15-6026019).

Second prize winner BE21-6138184 is a half-brother to "Power Barco"(BE16-6032318)