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1° Sermaises (362km) against 1,838 birds

Past weekend we sent our birds to the Sermaises (362km) race. The birds had to stay two nights in the basket. The first half of the race the birds had to deal with head winds, the second half the wind direction changed and there was a tail wind for the pigeons. We started with the 1° prize against 1,838 birds!

We won the following result in Union Antwerpen West :
14/05/2022 Sermaises (362km) 
Federation 1,838 old birds: 1-11-16-62-67-78-79-81-85-…  32/51 (old birds + yearlings)

Our blue hen BE20-6166186 won 1° Sermaises (362km) against 1,838 birds! It is certainly not the first time that BE20-6166186 can be found in the head of the race. BE20-6166186 is a daughter to “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Abba Elektra”(BE18-6020199).  “Ito”(BE17-6025336) was a very good racer and is now a top breeder at our loft. “Abba Elektra”(BE18-6020199) is a grandchild to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630) and also a first prize winning bird.

BE20-6166186 won 1° Sermaises (362km) 1,838 pigeons

BE20-6166186 won a.o. : (no double results)
25th Nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB Middle Distance 2021

1° Sermaises (362km) 1,838 p.
5° Sermaises (362km) 1,917 p.
6° Sermaises (362km) 1,556 p.
10° Sermaises (362km) 1,929 p.
9° Sermaises (362km) 322 p.
12° Noyon (208km) 611 p.
26° fast. Noyon (208km) 9,176 p.
13° Noyon (208km) 636 p.
20° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
46° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.
49° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.


"Ito"(BE17-6025336) is the father to first prize winner BE20-6166186

"Abba Elektro"(BE18-6020199) is the mother to first prize winner BE20-6166186


Our second arrival was the blue hen “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042). She is one of the stars of our racing loft. “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042) is another top performing grandchild of our famous “Mustang”(BE14-6175237), 1° fast. National Chateauroux (526km) 33,018 pigeons. Her father is off “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) x “Bambi”(BE13-6026002). Her mother is a daughter to “Emma”(BE14-6175008).

Superstar "Mustang Disney"(BE19-6016042)

"Mustang Disney"(BE19-6016042) won o.a. :
1st Ace-pigeon Great Middle Distance Fond 2001
2nd Provincial Ace-pigeon Great Middle Distance Fondclub Antwerpen
1° National z. Issoudun (505km) 1,588 p.
7° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
25° National Argenton (552km) 14,787 p.
1° Argenton (552km) 242 p.
64° National Chateauroux (526km) 24,617 p.
44° National z. Bourges (472km) 1,303 p.
26° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 982 p. (other race)
2° Melun (310km) 1,670 p. (after lofmate)
11° Sermaises (362km) 1,838 p.
20° Sermaises (362km) 3,125 p.
14° Sermaises (362km) 1,338 p.
28° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.

Our third arrival was the blue hen BE20-6166212. She is the last child on the racing loft of our former top breeding hen “Delphine’(BE11-6282004). “Delphine’(BE11-6282004) has bred many top performing descendants. Her father is a son to “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400) x “Bambi”(BE13-6026002).

BE20-6166212 is the last racing child of "Delphine"(BE11-6282004)


Our fourth and seventh arrival were two sisters, the checkered hens BE21-6138132 and BE21-6138041. They are also daughters to “Ito”(BE17-6025336), just like our first prize winner on this race. The mother of these two hens is “Princess Elektro”(BE17-6025201), one of the best breeding children to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201) is mother to a.o. “Sunny”(BE18-6020083), winner of 1° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 819 pigeons / 3° National Chateauroux (526km) 2,850 pigeons.

Arrival number five was the checkered hen BE21-6138092. She is a daughter to “Origi”(BE13-6026050) and a granddaughter to “Young Mustang”(BE15-6026285) and “Delhpine”(BE11-628004).

Arrival number six was the checkered hen BE20-6166065. She is one of the most talented birds of our racing team. Her father is the top breeder “London”(BE16-6032120). Her mother is again a child to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089).

BE20-6166065 won a.o. :
15° National  Argenton (555km) 9,851 p. (tough race)
2° National z. Argenton 1,615 p. (after a loftmate)
1° Sermaises  (362km) 1,929 p.
14° Melun (310km) 2,630 p.
15° Quievrain  (104km) 654 p.

Talented BE20-6166065

"London"(BE16-6032120) is the father to BE20-6166065