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The national racing season is nearing its end, with next week marking the final race of the year from Chateauroux (526 km). Last week, we made a selection in our young birds' team. Those who had already secured their place in next year’s racing team stayed home, while the others were sent to the middle-distance race in Melun (2 nights in the basket – 310 km). Saturday offered perfect racing conditions, with beautiful weather and moderate headwinds.


Once again, the national race from Bourges (504km) put our birds to the test. From Bourges to Paris, they faced light headwinds, but as they moved closer to Belgium, the conditions changed with rising winds, primarily from the west. Especially in Belgium, the wind was blowing quite hard. These were not the perfect circumstances for us, but our pigeons rose to the occasion and once again dominated the national results. Their performance was nothing short of spectacular. We kicked off the race with a 2nd National thanks to our star flyer "Black Elektro" (BE22-6020131). And to top it off, we claimed 1st National zone in both the old birds and yearlings categories!


Headwinds? Hot weather? Tough circumstances? We were praying for these circumstances for quite a while. Finally, the day arrived when we got the challenging conditions we had been waiting for. With the headwinds pushing the birds to their limits, the hot weather testing their endurance, and the tough circumstances demanding every ounce of our skill and determination, we knew this was our moment to shine. And the result was even better than we had hoped. Have a look at the fantastic performance of our team. Note: For many of the yearlings, it was their first national race of the season—and for some, their very first national race ever."


Let us present you “BMW”(BE23-6062272). Yesterday she was the fastest old bird of the whole release ( 1° / 1,977 birds) on the very difficult Sermaises (362km) race!


We have some talented birds in our young birds team. Last weekend they won 1° + 2° + 3° prize on the Noyon (208km) race against 895 youngsters!


We had a great result on the national Argenton (552km) race! The birds were released on Sunday which meant three days of basket for the pigeons. We won 6°, 13° and 32° National Argenton against 8,343 old birds!


Saying that it has been one of the most difficult seasons of the last years is like kicking at an open door. Bad weather, crazy tailwinds … it has been quite frustrating at certain times. But the season continues and you need to seize every possible opportunity. Yesterday was such an opportunity. It was real pigeon weather with moderate head winds and a sunny sky. After a break with only short distance races for most of our racers, we sent them to the middle distance race Melun (310km). Will this break have been the good choice on the long term? We will make the conclusion after the season. This race was for sure a very good start!


Earlier this year we sent two pigeons to the Mira One Loft Race (Portugal). We were invited by the KBDB to send two birds to this OLR for the Belgian delegation being the 1st National Champion KBDB Great Middle Distance. Of course we accepted this honour.


The national Argenton (552km) race was again a very fast one with the strong winds from the West to Southwest. We had (too) many of this races this year unfortunately. Followers of our family of birds know that our birds excel on the tougher races. But also on this fast Argenton race our birds defended their honor by winning no less than 12 (!) national top 100 positions. We started with the 13° and 14° National prize.


Finally there was some tough pigeon weather predicted for the young birds last weekend, for the first time this season! We decided to enter our young birds on the Noyon (208km). This race is flown on Sunday and that day stronger headwinds were predicted than on Saturday. The temperatures rose also to 28 degrees. The race was only released at noon due to fog in the morning, which made the race tougher. We knew our birds were in a top condition and that they love these tough circumstances, but we did not expect this extreme result. In our federation we won the 15 (!) first prizes. We had the two fastest birds of the province of Antwerp against 5,511 birds and 9 birds in the top 20!


The birds had to stay for three nights in the basket for the national Bourges (472km) race! The national winners were again in the eastern part of the country, but our birds fought themselves in the top of the result sheet. We are very happy about their performance! We started with 1° National z. Bourges (472km) 1,653 birds / 10° National Bourges (472km) 9,922 birds!


This weekend the national Chateauroux (519km) was flown. It was a fast race. We sent a strong team to this national flight. We were however now sure if it would be possible to have birds in the national top of the result. There was a strong upcoming wind predicted from the West to Southwest. All the national winners were expected to be a the longest distances of the eastern part of the province, close to the Dutch border. And indeed, the winners of this race are all located in this region. Our birds showed however that their form is great and fought themselves in the top of the national ranking. Side note: for several birds of our racing team it was their first national race ever.


We had a great racing weekend again! The races were tough (again) with mostly headwinds and temperature that rose till 28°C. We had two races, the middle distance race Melun (310km) and the national race Argenton (552km). On both races our birds were dominant. In this article we will present you the first arrivals on the Melun (310km) race.


We had a great racing weekend again! The races were tough (again) with mostly headwinds and temperature that rose till 28°C. We had two races, the middle distance race Melun (310km) and the national race Argenton (552km). On both races our birds were dominant. In this article we will present you our first birds on the national Argenton race.


It was another weekend of headwinds for the birds … and another successful weekend for our loft! The weather in Belgium has been almost identical the last weeks. Strong headwinds and sunny weather. These are the perfect circumstances to select your birds. The only disadvantage is that some (good) birds crash because they flew so low above the ground. But that is an inevitable part of pigeon racing. Our birds showed again their qualities this weekend by winning a lot of top prizes.


The weather circumstances were (again!) tough for the birds. They had to deal with headwinds (again!) from start till end. Our birds showed (again!) that they love to fly in this kind of weather. On the national Bourges (472km) race our first arrival was our super hen “Blanca 1”(BE21-6138132). Her list of racing records is getting more and more impressive! We had the 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° fastest bird in the club against almost 600 birds. We started with the 4, 5° and 6° Prov. Antwerp against 2,468 old birds and number 10 provincial against 3,130 yearlings. We had 4 birds in the national top 100. Also the result on the middle distance race Sermaises (362km) was very convincing.


The birds had to deal with very, very strong headwinds last weekend. These were weather circumstances for the strong birds, the ones with a V8 engine inside. The birds who would be early home on this kind of race have for sure a big potential. We sent our birds to the Sermaises (362km) race. We split our team in two and sent them to two federations. Our birds managed to win the first prize in both federations. We even had the fastest bird of the whole release against almost 7,000 birds! The speed was only 1,171 m/min. Remarkable: both our winners are coming from the same super breeding cock, “Puncher”(BE17-6025361). "Black Widow"(BE22-6020269) won 1° prize in Union Antwerpen against 2,257 birds and was the fastest of the whole release against almost 7,000 birds. "Blue Widow"(BE21-6138360) won the 1° prize in the South Antwerp Federation against 1,044 birds


What a tough racing day we had yesterday! The birds had to deal with very, very strong headwinds from start till end.


Last time we told you that almost all our racers did not participate to the races last weekend. For some of them it meant that they had to go to the Sermaises (362km) race with only two 100km races as preparation. Far from perfect! The Sermaises race was a very tough one with strong headwinds and fog in the start. Our first prize winner “Blanca 2”(BE22-6020039) had an average speed of 1,188 m/min. Our birds were outstanding on their first middle distance race of the season!


As already mentioned before, the weather circumstances in Belgium are changing all the time the last weeks. Therefore it is difficult for fanciers to make a decision about whether entering their birds for the race or not. We decided to enter only a small team on the Melun (310km) race (two nights of basket). These birds were the hens meant for the longer distance races. The other birds stayed at home. The weather on the race day was finally better then expected and it became a fast and smooth race. So most of our birds had a resting weekend! Hopefully the weather circumstances will change soon. Luckily we had planned for our birds to be in their top condition later this season.


The weather in Belgium has been not great lately. Therefore we started a bit later than other years. But now it was finally time to enter our birds on the Noyon (208km) race. We are very happy about the result! The weather circumstances were lovely with a bright sky and calm headwinds.


Last weekend the winners of the famous ‘Gouden Duif’ competition were celebrated. This championship is organized by the famous news magazine ‘De Duif’. All fanciers from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany can participate to this national competition.


Past weekend the final race was flown in the famous Pattaya One Loft Race (Thailand). This is one of the most prestigious one loft races worldwide. The race started with over 9,000 birds!


The Algarve Great Derby One Loft Race (Portugal) is one of our favourite one loft races. Our birds have been very successful there in the past. In 2021 two babies from the same nest were outstanding: one youngster was crowned as 4th Ace-pigeon in the Derby Algarve and the other won the first prize in Hotspot 1 against almost 3,000 birds. Also in the 2022 edition our birds were in the spotlight.


It was a beautiful racing day last Saturday. The temperature rose to about 25 degrees and there was a strong head wind blowing from start till end. In the previous article you could read how our youngsters were outstanding on the Melun (310km) race. Here we will discuss the national Argenton (555km) race where we entered some old birds. It was a tough race for the birds so late on the season. This team has been raced on the widowhood system since April, so the season has been a long season for them. But also on this race they did it very well! We started with the 5° prize on the national level and had 8 birds in the national top 100.


It was a beautiful racing day last Saturday. The temperature rose to about 25 degrees and there was a strong head wind blowing from start till end. These were the perfect race circumstances to discover the qualities of the young birds. That is why we entered our complete team of young birds for the last time this season. After this race the best youngsters end their racing season. They flew Melun (310km). The result was amazing with so many top prizes and a high prize percentage. We had also the fastest bird of the whole release! We also entered some old birds on the national Argenton (555km) race and here we started with the 5° prize on the national level!


Today was a beautiful racing day with strong headwinds from start to end. The average speeds were between 1,150 and 1,200 m/min. These circumstances are perfect for our birds to show their qualities. We sent our youngsters to the middle distance race Melun (310km) and a part of our old birds to the national Argenton (555km) race.


The previous national Chateauroux (526km) race was the last race of the season for our star racers like “Super 100”, “Paulina”, “Blanca”, “Ali Baba”, “Donald Duck”, “Cuba” etc. . We kept however a nice team to continue racing on the widowhood system for the national Argenton (555km) race. The birds stayed in the basket till Sunday (3 nights) and our team showed they could perform really well without the captains of the racing team in the race. We sent our young birds to Noyon (208km). It was a rather fast race and our youngsters showed again what they can do best … winning!


In the previous article you could already read about our top results on the national races Tulle (657km) and Bourges (485km). There was also a middle distance race, Nanteuil (259km). We sent our youngsters to this race, together with some old birds. It was a beautiful race where the first bird had an average velocity of 1,350 m/min. We were very happy about the result with the five fastest (!) birds in our federation against more than 1,700 birds including high prize percentages!


We had a super racing day last Saturday! It was probably the most busy day of the racing season with three races: the national races Tulle (657km) and Bourges (479km) plus the middle distance race Nanteuil (259km) The races were challenging but fair with average speeds around 1,300 and 1,350 m/min. On the national races the early birds were spread all over the country. Our birds were again outstanding on all three races. We won : - 3°, 5° and 7° National Tulle (657km) 4,185 birds (1°, 2° and 3° Provincial) - 18° and 53° National Bourges (485km) 10,366 birds (1st + 2nd nominated bird) - 56° National Bourges (485km) 7,606 birds (1st nominated bird) - 1-2-3-4-5 fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds