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The birds are ready!

Today was the last race before the start of the middle distance season. We sent our birds to the Noyon (208km) race. It was beautiful race with calm head winds and a temperature of about 12°C.

We were very satisfied about the performance of our pigeons. They are ready for the coming weeks and months!

Our birds won the following results:
01/05/2021 Noyon (208km)
Federation 1,613 old birds: 3-10-12-13-23-28-31-39-40-44-45-46-71-72-80-82-86-87-92-…  48/64 (old birds + yearlings)

Our first arrival was the the checkered hen BE21-6138081. She is a half-sister to "Olympic La Donna"(BE18-6020283) and a granddaughter to "Elektro"(BE08-6174630).

Our second arrival was the dark checkered hen BE21-6138027. She is a daughter to "Wolverin"(BE18-6020279) who is a son to "Elektro Junior"(BE16-6032012) and a half-brother to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089). The mother of BE21-6138027 is a dauble granddaughter to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237).

Interesting fact: our 1st, 2nd and 3rd nominated bird won the 12°, 13° and 28° prize against 1,613 birds!  It was the top trio “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108), “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042) and BE20-6166100BE20-6166100 won last week the 1° prize on Quievrain (104km) against 413 birds (5° fast. Quievrain against 14,060 birds). This daughter of “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) deserves to be named as well, but we are still waiting a bit. We think the best is yet to come with her!

BE20-6166100 ♀ won a.o. :
1° Fay aux Loges (402km) 601 p. (1,144 m/min)
6° Provincial Fay aux Loges (402km) 1,709 p.
1° Quievrain (104km) 413 p. (1,292 m/min)
5° fast. Quievrain (104km) 14,060 p.
3° Melun (310km) 1,806 p.
4° Sermaises (362km) 1,226 p.
10° fast. Sermaises 3,569 p.
5° Nanteuil (259km) 822 p.
6° Noyon (208km) 611 p.
9° fast. Noyon (208km) 9,176 p.
32° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 1,362 p.
111° Nat. Chateauroux (526km) 7,674 p.
21° National z. Argenton (555km) 1,615 p.
114° National Argenton (555km) 9,851 p.
11° Noyon (208km) 538 p.
12° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.
21° Sermaises (362km) 1,556 p.
23° Melun (310km) 1,131 p.

Top hen BE20-6166100 was our first nominated bird on this Noyon race

“Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108) won o.a. :   
1° fast. Provincial Bourges (479km) 9,041 p. (1,227 m/min)
1° fast. National zone Chateauroux (526km) 2,650 p. (1,081 m/min) (8h7min flying)
1° fast. Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,280 p. (7 minutes ahead)
6° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,099 p.
2° National z. Bourges (479km) 4,313 p.
60° National Bourges (479km) 34,311 p.
265° National Chateauroux (526km) 24,617 p.
279° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
1° Chevrain (354km) 869 p.
9° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 512 p.
11° Argenton (555km) 473 p.
13° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.
17° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
18° Noyon (208km) 662 p.

"Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108) is a fantastic pigeon

"Mustang Disney"(BE19-6016042) won o.a. :
1st Ace-pigeon Great Middle Distance Fond 2001
2nd Provincial Ace-pigeon Great Middle Distance Fondclub Antwerpen
1° National z. Issoudun (505km) 1,588 p.
7° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
25° National Argenton (552km) 14,787 p.
1° Argenton (552km) 242 p.
64° National Chateauroux (526km) 24,617 p.
44° National z. Bourges (472km) 1,303 p.
26° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 982 p. (other race)
2° Melun (310km) 1,670 p. (after lofmate)
20° Sermaises (362km) 3,125 p.
14° Sermaises (362km) 1,338 p.
28° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.

Is "Mustang Disney"(BE19-6016042) ready for another top season?