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Top results on Sermaises (362km) and Noyon (208km)

In the previous article you could ready about our super results on the national Chateauroux (526km). The same day we had two other races, Sermaises (362km) and Noyon (208km). On those flights our pigeons also performed very well. The birds for Sermaises (362km) had to stay in the basket for two nights. To the Noyon (208km) race we sent our team of young birds. The two races were tough with headwinds from start till end and a temperature that rose till 25°C.

Our pigeons won the following results:

18/07/2021 Sermaises (362km)
South Antwerp Federation 395 yearlings: 2-3-4-10-11-15-16-…  27/43
South Antwerp Federation 628 old birds: 3-4-5-14-15-23-24-34-42-47-…  27/44 (old birds + yearlings)

Interfederation 1,226 old birds: 3-4-5-16-17-32-33-50…  27/44 (old birds + yearlings)

18/07/2021 Noyon (208km)
Federation 767 youngsters: 1-2-4-5-7-10-11-12-16-17-22-25-30-31-33-34-35-37-48-49-50-51-53-55-…  65/100

18/07/2021 Chateauroux (526km)
National zone 982 old birds: 1-6-12-19-26-40-59-64-73-94-98-…  15/22
National 7,099 old birds: 6-52-111-183-227-…  15/22


Let us start with presenting you our first arrivals of the middle distance race Sermaises (362km).

Our first arrival was the checkered white flight hen BE20-6166219. She wins the 2° Sermaises (362km) / 4° fast. Sermaises (362km) against 3,569 pigeons. BE20-6166219 is a talented hen who already won several early prizes. Her father is a son to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). Her mother is the super hen “Shaki”(BE17-6025048). BE20-6166219 is the nest-sister to BE20-6166218, one of our best racing cocks this season.

BE20-6166219 won 2° Sermaises (362km) / 4° fast. Sermaises (362km) against 3,569 pigeons

BE20-6166218 won in 2021 a.o. :
46° National Argenton (552km) 21,282 p.
3° Sermaises (362km) 1,556 p.
4° Sermaises (362km) 1,917 p. (other race)
15° Noyon (208km) 554 p.

“Shaki”(BE17-6025048) won a.o. :
1st Best bird of Belgium on the 4 different national Argenton 555km races (4 prizes) 2018-2019
2nd Best bird of Belgium on the different national Chateauroux 526km races (3 prizes) 2018 
2nd Provincial Ace-pigeon Fondclub Antwerpen (450-600km) 2018
4th Best bird of Belgium on the national races 450-600km (6 prizes)  2018
5th Best bird of Belgium on the 4 different national Argenton 555km races (3 prizes) 2018-2019
7th Best bird of Belgium on the national races 450-600km (7 prizes)  2018
8th Best bird of Belgium on the national races 450-600km (5 prizes) 2018
8th Best bird of Belgium on the different national Chateauroux 526km races (4 prizes) 2018-2019
8th Best bird of Belgium on the different national Chateauroux 526km races (3 prizes) 2018-2019
20th Nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB Great Middle Distance 2018

13° National Argenton (555km)  3,319 p.
26° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 4,350 p.
27° National Chateauroux (526km) 4,641 p. (other race)
2° Noyon (208km) 669 p. (after loftmate)
67° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 8,486 p. (other race)
18° Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,394 p. (other race)
41° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 3,737 p. 
54° National z. Argenton (555km) 1,547 p. (other race)
88° National z.  Argenton (555km) 6,640 p. (other race)
6° Argenton (555km) 393 p. (other race)
6° Melun (310km) 351 p.

Top racing and breeding hen "Shaki"(BE17-6025048)

Our second arrival was the checkered hen BE20-6166100. She wins the 4° Sermaises (362km) against 1,226 pigeons. BE20-6166100 was our third nominated pigeon. BE20-6166100 is a daughter to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) x “Cobra”(BE14-6175418).

BE20-6166100 is a beautiful daughter to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) x "Cobra"(BE14-6175418)

Our third arrival was the blue hen BE20-6166276. She wins the 5° Sermaises (362km) against 1,226 pigeons.She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). BE20-6166276 is also a very talented hen with several early prizes.

Our fourth arrival was the beautiful blue hen BE20-6166429. She is the youngest pigeon of our yearling team. She is a daughter to “Black Dragon”(BE15-6026259). Her mother is “Blue Hainan”(BE18-6020291) and was our best youngster in 2018 and is a direct child to “Green Elektro”(BE16-6032101).

Former long distance topper "Black Dragon"(BE15-6026259)

Arrival number five was the blue hen BE20-6166128. This year she already won 80° National Argenton (555km) against 21,282 birds. Her father is “Pure Elektro”(BE16-6277244), an inbreeding son to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). Her mother is “Dubai”(BE15-6026019), a former top racer and now a very good breeder.


Now we will introduce you to the first arrival of the young birds race Noyon (208km)

The first prize was won by the checkered cock BE21-6138051. He won 1° Noyon (208km) against 767 birds / 15° fast. Noyon (208km) against 11,292 birds. BE21-6138051 has got the same father as our top racer “Panda”(BE19-6016017). His mother is a child to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) x “Lilly”(BE15-6026002). Remarkable: our third arrival was the blue white flight cock BE21-6138052, the nest-mate of BE21-6138051!

BE21-6138051 won the 1° prize on Noyon against 767 birds

Our second arrival was the beautiful blue cock BE21-6138020. He won 2° Noyon (208km) against 767 birds / 17° fast. Noyon (208km) against 11,292 birds. BE21-6138020 is a son to “Super Milos”(BE15-6300356) x “Ilke”(BE17-6025255). “Ilke”(BE17-6025255) won 1° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 1,563 pigeons / 2° National Chateauroux (526km) 4,641 pigeons herself and is a child to “Young Mustang”(BE15-60262285).

BE21-6138020 won the 2° prize on Noyon against 767 birds

“Ilke”(BE17-6025255) won a.o. :
1° National z. Chateauroux (526km) 1,563 p.
2° National Chateauroux (526km) 4,641 p.
50° National z. Bourges (479km) 2,836 p.
63° National z. Bourges (479km) 7,049 p. (other race)
5° Chevrain (354km) 721 p.
6° Pont (250km) 1,090 p.
7° Blois (462km) 359 p.
20° Melun (310km) 1,182 p.
48° Melun (310km) 4,902 p.

"Ilke"(BE17-6025255) won 2° National Chateauroux (526km) against 4,641 birds

Our fourth arrival was BE21-6138296. This checkered bird is a grandson to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089).

Our fifth arrival was the dark hen BE21-6138081. She is a granddaughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630) and a half-sister to two super racing hens, “Olympic La Donna”(BE18-6020283) and “Rika”(BE19-6016097).

"Olympic La Donna"(BE18-6020283)

Our sixth arrival was the checkered hen BE21-6138234. She is a child to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) x “Cobra”(BE14-6175418). The “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) family is very strong with this type of weather.