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Top result on national Chateauroux (519km) race

This weekend the national Chateauroux (519km) was flown. It was a fast race. We sent a strong team to this national flight. We were however now sure if it would be possible to have birds in the national top of the result. There was a strong upcoming wind predicted from the West to Southwest. All the national winners were expected to be a the longest distances of the eastern part of the province, close to the Dutch border. And indeed, the winners of this race are all located in this region. Our birds showed however that their form is great and fought themselves in the top of the national ranking. Side note: for several birds of our racing team it was their first national race ever.
Our pigeons won the following results:
22/07/2023 Chateauroux (519km)
National 13,096 yearlings: 16-35-55-77-101-116-122-123-141-165-186-189-192-200-235-243-258-277-282-…  30/45
National z. 2,312 yearlings: 5-10-14-22-29-34-36-37-47-53-61-62-63-67-80-81-83-91-92-…
National 8,075 old birds: 6-28-78-122-152-171-173-240-242-…  17/19
National z. 1,332 old birds: 3-11-32-48-60-65-67-91-92-…
-> 21 birds in the national top 200 
-> 7 birds in the national top 100
-> 19 birds in top 21 club (313 birds)
We are very happy about these strong results. Our birds normally thrive in tough weather circumstances, but they were able to show their qualities as well in these not so ideal circumstances too! Having 21 birds in the national top 200 on a big national races with an entry of more than 21,000 birds make us very proud! We did not enter 100+ birds to achieve this performance, we entered 64 birds and 47 of them won a prize (1/4 wins a prize).
The 6° National Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 birds was won by the blue white flight hen “Blue Widow”(BE21-6138360). Her father is top racer and breeder “Puncher”(BE17-6025361). Her mother is a daughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). “Blue Widow”(BE21-6138360) is a building a top record list. It is now her second prize in the national top 6 on a +500km race. Earlier this season she already won the 1° prize on a very tough Sermaises (362km) race against 1,044 pigeons. “Blue Widow”(BE21-6138360) can do it on the tough races but also on the fast races. She can do it on the longer distances, but also on the short distance. “Blue Widow”(BE21-6138360) flew only some 100km races as a youngster, she needed some time to gain more experience as a yearling. So we think she is only now at her peak and we can expect some more top performances of her in the future.

Super racer "Blue Widow"(BE21-6138360) won 6° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 pigeons (pictures from May)
“Blue Widow”(BE21-6138360) won a.o. :
6° National Chateauroux  (519km) 8,075 p.
5° National Argenton (555km) 2,276 p.
1° Sermaises (362km) 1,044 p. (1,146 m/min)
3° Quievrain (104km) 389 p. (after 2 loftmates)
12° fast. Provincial Quievrain (104km) 9,452 p.
The 16° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 birds was won by the dark cock BE22-6020131. It was his first national race ever. BE22-6020131 is a son to “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058). The mother of BE22-6020131 is a double grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). BE22-6020131 won on his previous +300km race 3° Melun (310km) 645 pigeons (after 2 loftmates) / 8° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,033 pigeons. BE22-6020131 has a really nice dark colour. He is a typical product of the old Vercammen breeding lines.

The dark cock BE22-6020131 won 16° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons

"Golden Elektro"(BE19-6016058) is an important pigeon at our loft
Our third arrival was the blue white flight cock BE22-6020058. He wins 35° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons. BE22-6020058 is one of the most talented racers of our team. This year he already won two first prizes. Recently he won 1° Melun (310km) 645 pigeons / 5° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,033 pigeons. Two weeks before he already won 1° Sermaises (362km) 323 pigeons! Now he wins a new top prize, on the first national race in his life. BE22-6020058 is a son to “Origi”(BE13-6026050) x “Olympic La Donna”(BE18-6020283).

BE22-6020058 won 35° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons (pictures from June)
"Olympic La Donna"(BE18-6020283) won a.o. :
Best All-round Pigeon of Belgium in the season 2020
Olympic Pigeon All-round 2021
1° Melun (310km) 2,759 p. 
3° National Limoges (672km) 15,981 p. 
10° National Chateauroux (526km) 3,618 p. 
17° National z. Issoudun (504km) 3,129 p. 
4° Melun (310km) 4,423 p.
17° Provincial Issoudun (504km) 2,147 p. (other race)
4° Chevrainvilliers (354km) 848 p.
6° Argenton (555km) 335 p.
7° Melun (310km) 762 p.
11° Melun (310km) 1,210 p.
78° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 2,709 p.
15° Montlucon (555km) 371 p.

Super hen "Olympic La Donna"(BE18-6020283)
Our next arrival was the blue hen BE22-6020041. She wins 55° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons. She was our second nominated bird. BE22-6020041 is a daughter to (again) “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058). Her mother is “Panda”(BE19-6016017). BE22-6020041 is a full sister to “Maété”(BE21-6138246), 1° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 6,017 pigeons.

BE22-6020041 was our second nominated bird and wins 55° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons
The next pigeon was the super talented cock BE22-6020038. He wins 77° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons. BE22-6020038 is a full brother to top racer “Blanca 1”(BE21-6138132) and the nest-brother to “Blanca 2”(BE22-6020039). These birds are all children from our super pair “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201). BE22-6020038 has performed already very well on the short and middle distance. Now we sent him for the first time to the national races and he flew another top prize! He is for sure a pigeon to keep an eye on.

BE22-6020038 won 77° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 pigeons and is a full brother to "Blanca 1"(BE21-6138132)
BE22-6020038 won a.o. :
77° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 p.
1° Noyon (208km) 307 p.  (2 minutes lead)
45° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 7,000 p.
3° Noyon (208km) 696 p.
34° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 15,813 p.
5° Melun (310km) 834 p.
34° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,685 p.
4° Noyon (208km) 272 p.
6° Noyon (208km) 386 p.
8° Melun (208km) 645 p.
18° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,033 p.
The checkered cock BE21-6138014 won the 28° National Chateauroux (519km) against 8,075 birds. He is a son to “Olympic Elektro”(PL0264-13-400) x “Shaki”(BE17-6025048). BE21-6138014 is a full brother to “Paulina”(BE21-6138106), 5th National Ace-pigeon KBDB Great Middle Distance.

BE21-6138014 won 28° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 pigeons and is full brother to 5th Nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB Great Middle Distance

5th Nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB Great Middle Distance "Paulina"(BE21-6138106) is a full sister to BE21-6138014
The 78° National Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 pigeons was won by the blue cock BE21-6138110. He is a direct son to our top breeder “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089)! His mother is a double grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and is also mother to BE22-6020131, winner of 16° National 13,096 pigeons on this Chateauroux (519km) race. BE21-6138110 won before already 1° Melun (310km) 652 pigeons / 2° fast. Melun (310km) 2,110 pigeons.

BE21-6138110 won 78° Nat. Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 pigeons and is a son to "Iron Man"(BE17-60258089)

Super racer and breeder "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)