Our pigeons won the following results:
10/08/2024 Bourges (504km)
National 5,529 old birds: 2-26-43-63-71-101-186-204-243-248-… 19/23
National z. 940 old birds: 1-8-16-20-22-29-47-50-61-63-96-…
National 7,617 yearlings: 8-62-82-84-100-114-136-171-214-221-257-… 27/53
National z. 1,375 yearlings: 1-13-19-20-27-32-37-46-55-56-67-77-89-…
28/07/2024 Bourges (504km)
National 6,713 old birds: 2-25-40-62-64-66-122-168-200-… 19/24
National z. 1,161 old birds: 1-4-8-14-16-17-35-43-50-93-…
National 9,654 yearlings: 3-4-32-35-44-60-67-69-114-126-127-149-168-187-… 25/52
National z. 1,684 yearlings: 1-2-10-12-16-24-25-26-42-47-48-54-62-68-…
- 4 times 1° National zone victory on 4 possibilities!
- 2°, 2°, 3° and 4° National Bourges!
Our first arrival was our first nominated “Black Elektro”(BE22-6020131). He wins 1° National z. Bourges (504km) 940 pigeons / 2° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 pigeons. “Black Elektro”(BE22-6020131) is the star of the team. He did not participate to many national races in his life so far, but he already has an exception track record!
The amazing "Black Elektro"(BE22-6020131) won 1° National z. Bourges (504km) 940 pigeons / 2° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 pigeons
“Black Elektro”(BE22-6020131) won a.o. :
1° National z. Bourges (504km) 940 p.
2° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 p.
13° National Argenton (552km) 8,343 p.
16° National Chateauroux (519km) 13,096 p.
35° National Argenton (552km) 3,990 p.
40° National Bourges (504km) 6,713 p.
1° Sermaises (362km) 766 p.
3° Melun (310km) 645 p. (after 2 loftmates)
8° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,033 p.
“Black Elektro”(BE22-6020131) is a son to top breeder “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058). “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058) was a top racer himself and is now one of our best breeders. The mother of “Black Elektro”(BE22-6020131) is “Hainan 85”(BE17-6025485), who is a double grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).
Our second arrival was the checkered cock BE23-6062270. He wins 1° National z. Bourges (504km) 1,375 pigeons / 8° National Bourges (504km) 7,617 pigeons. BE23-6062270 is a son to our top pair “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201). He is a full brother to “Blanca 1”(BE21-6138132).
BE23-6062270 won 1° National z. Bourges (504km) 1,375 pigeons / 8° National Bourges (504km) 7,617 pigeons
Our third arrival was the dark cock “Black Puncher”(BE22-6020017). He wins 26° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 pigeons. Two weeks before he already won 2° National Bourges (472km) 6,713 pigeons / 1° National z. Bourges 1,161 pigeons. “Black Puncher”(BE22-6020017) is again a grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). His father is “Puncher”(BE17-6025361), a former top racer but now he is even better on the breeding loft. His children won already 2° National Bourges (504km) 6,713 p., 3° National Tulle (657km) 4,185 p., 5° National Argenton (555km) 2,276 p., 7° National Chateauroux (519km) 8,075 p. and 1° fast. Provincial Sermaises (362km) 6,802 p.! “Black Puncher”(BE22-6020017) is a real specialist for the Bourges race. In two years he won four top prizes on this specific race.
"Black Puncher"(BE22-6020017) won 2° and 26° National Bourges in two weeks
“Black Puncher”(BE22-6020017) won a.o. :
1° National z. Bourges (504km) 1,161 p.
2° National Bourges (504km) 6,713 p.
26° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 p. (other race)
15° National z. Bourges 2,062 p. (other race)
189° National Bourges 12,094 p.
50° National z. Bourges 1,653 p. (other race)
191° National Bourges 9,922 p.
7° Melun (310km) 486 p.
9° Melun (310km) 645 p. (other race)
21° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,033 p.
11° Noyon (208km) 386 p.
29° Noyon (208km) 1,090 p.
29° Melun (310km) 834 p.
20° Noyon (208km) 237 p.
Arrival number four was the dark hen BE23-6062197. She wins 62° National Bourges (504km) 7,617 pigeons. She is again a descendant to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089), “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and “Olympic La Donna”(BE18-6020283).
Arrival number five was the checkered hen BE22-6020176. She win 43° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 pigeons. Two weeks before she won 25° National Bourges (504km) 6,713 pigeons. BE22-6020176 is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). She is a half-sister to “Power Barco”(BE16-6032318), 2° National Chateauroux (526km) 2,825 pigeons.
BE22-6020176 won 25° and 43° National Bourges in two weeks
Our next arrival was the blue white flight cock BE23-6062081. He wins 82° National Bourges (504km) 7,617 pigeons. Two weeks before he won 69° National Bourges (504km) 9,654 pigeons. BE23-6062081 is a grandson to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).
BE23-6062081 won 69° and 82° National Bourges in two weeks
The talented blue hen BE23-6062309 won also a top prize. Last year she won 1° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds. She was also the 1° fastest of the whole release, including the provinces Oost-Vlaanderen and Brabant, against more than 15,000 youngsters! It was a very tough race. BE23-6062309 is a half-sister to “Ito”(BE17-6025336) and “Sugar”(BE18-6020227)! She is a very talented hen.
The super talented BE23-6062309 (picture of last year)
BE23-6062309 won a.o. :
1° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 p. (1,268 m/min)
1° fast. Noyon (208km) against +15,000 p. (whole release, 3 provinces together)
1° Noyon (208km) 541 p.
1° Noyon (208km) 183 p. (other race)
2° Noyon (208km) 1,219 p. (other race)
25° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 10,599 p.
84° National Bourges (504km) 7,617 p.
68° National z. Bourges (504km) 1,684 p. (other race)
10° Melun (310km) 489 p.
The blue white flight hen BE23-6062318 won also a national top 100 position. She is also a daughter to top breeder “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058). Her mother is top racer “Mustang Malika”(BE21-6138254), winner of 1° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 pigeons (10 minutes ahead) / 6° National La Souterraine (593km) 6,761 pigeons.
Also the blue hen "Iron 62"(BE22-6020062) won a national top 100 position. She is a direct daughter to top breeder “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). Her mother is a full sister to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).
Top hen "Iron 62"(BE22-6020062) is a daughter to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) (picture of June '23)
"Iron 62"(BE22-6020062) won a.o. :
1° fast. Argenton (552km) 365 p. (1,269 m/min)
10° National Argenton (552km) 15,210 p.
63° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 p.
61° National z. Argenton 2,753 p. (other race)
61° National z. Argenton 1,182 p. (other race)
7° Noyon (208km) 837 p.
14° Melun (310km) 1,288 p.
69° National z. Argenton (552km) 677 p.
The last bird that we will present you is BE22-6020052. She wins also a national top 100 position. BE22-6020052 is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and a full sister to “Mustang Disney”(BE19-6016042).
BE22-6020052 won a.o. :
31° National Argenton (552km) 3,990 p.
71° National Bourges (504km) 5,529 p.
92° National z. Sancoins (496km) 1,546 p.
3° Melun (310km) 504 p.
6° Melun (310km) 1,891 p.
48° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 10,627 p.
15° Noyon (208km) 1,090 p.