
2nd National Ace-pigeon Ukraine Youngsters is a descendant of top Vercammen bird "Elektro Junior"(BE16-6032012)




Our checkered Cock “Turbo Elektro”(BE24-6087111) won the title of 2nd Provincial Ace Pigeon KBDB Antwerp in Short Distance – a prestigious honor in the world of pigeon racing. Antwerp, the heart of short-distance pigeon racing, is renowned for its elite short distance competitions, making this win even more meaningful.


The national racing season is nearing its end, with next week marking the final race of the year from Chateauroux (526 km). Last week, we made a selection in our young birds' team. Those who had already secured their place in next year’s racing team stayed home, while the others were sent to the middle-distance race in Melun (2 nights in the basket – 310 km). Saturday offered perfect racing conditions, with beautiful weather and moderate headwinds.

Homepage Intro


The Jos Vercammen loft has had a meteoric rise to the firmament of international pigeon racing. One top result has followed another, but, what is also of great importance, numerous fanciers throughout the world had National and International successes with the Vercammen pigeons. The Vercammen loft is based on birds of superior origin, therefore such a high percentage of top-class pigeons are born at Vremde.
Vercammen pigeons crossed with yours? It is almost a guarantee of success!

Read more about the Jos Vercammen Loft

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