Unfortunately the Belgian government is still not allowing the official races, with release location in France. The only thing allowed so far is to have training races on Belgian soil. We hope this will change very soon. Everybody is very eager to send their birds for official races.
Meanwhile our Polish pigeon friends are very busy with their racing season. Pawel Korzeniowski has got his racing team on the rails. This weekend his birds were entered on the Celle (323km) race. It was a tough race with the average velocity below 1,200 mpm.
Pawel won the following super result :
Celle (323km) against 2,961 pigeons : 1-5-8-13-23-29-…
The 1° prize against 2,961 pigeons is a descendant of our super pigeon “Elektro”(B08-6174630).
Famous "Elektro"(B08-6174630)
Pawel is very satisfied about the introduction of the Hok Jos Vercammen pigeons at his loft. On all the races so far this season amongst his 10 first arrivals there were always 7 or 8 pigeons with the Vercammen blood!
Congratulations, Pawel, and keep up the good work!