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1° and 2° fast. Provincial 5,511 pigeons / 15 first (!) prizes on Noyon (208km)

Finally there was some tough pigeon weather predicted for the young birds last weekend, for the first time this season! We decided to enter our young birds on the Noyon (208km). This race is flown on Sunday and that day stronger headwinds were predicted than on Saturday. The temperatures rose also to 28 degrees. The race was only released at noon due to fog in the morning, which made the race tougher. We knew our birds were in a top condition and that they love these tough circumstances, but we did not expect this extreme result. In our federation we won the 15 (!) first prizes. We had the two fastest birds of the province of Antwerp against 5,511 birds and 9 birds in the top 20!

Our pigeons won the following results:

03/09/2023 Noyon (208km) 
Pallieterverbond 541 youngsters: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-17-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-35-36-37-39-...  60/91
Fastest birds province of Antwerp 5,511 birds: 1-2-4-9-11-14-15-17-18-32-35-38-39-47-55-68-100-…

The first prize was won by the blue hen BE23-6062309. She wins 1° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds. She was also the 1° fastest of the whole release, including the provinces Oost-Vlaanderen and Brabant, against more than 15,000 youngstersBE23-6062309 is a half-sister to “Ito”(BE17-6025336) and “Sugar”(BE18-6020227)! Before she already won 2° Noyon (208km) 1,219 pigeons / 25° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 10,599 pigeons. On this race the weather circumstances were very fast, in contrast to the tough race of yesterday.

BE23-6062309 won 1° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and was the fastest of the whole release against more than 15,000 youngsters!

Super hen "Sugar"(BE18-6020227)

"Sugar"(BE18-6020227) won a.o. :
2° National Limoges (672km) 15,979 p.
18° National Limoges (672km) 10,319 p. (other race)
1° Limoges (672km) 383 p.
2° Tulle (657km) 790 p.
3° Provincial Tulle (657km) 969 p.
9° National z. Tulle (657km) 2,085 p.
21° Melun (310km) 2,454 p.
12° Noyon (208km) 166 p.
13° Melun (310km) 441 p.

The second prize was won by the checkered hen BE23-6062110. She wins 2° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds (after a loftmate). BE23-6062110 is bred from the top pair “Golden Elektro”(BE19-6016058) x “Panda”(BE19-6016017) and therefore a full sister to “Maété”(BE21-6138246).

BE23-6062110 won 2° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds (after a loftmate) and is bred from the top pair "Golden Elektro"(BE19-6016058) x "Panda"(BE19-6016019)

The third prize was won by the checkered hen BE23-6062163. She wins 4° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 3° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 2 loftmates). She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

BE23-6062163 won 4° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and is a granddaughter to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)

The fourth prize was won by the blue white flight hen BE23-6062136. She wins 9° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 4° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 3 loftmates). Her mother is a daughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). Her father is a full brother to “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108).

BE23-6062136 won 9° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and is a granddaughter to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)

The fifth prize was won by the checkered hen BE23-6062007. She wins 11° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 5° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 4 loftmates). She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and “Samsung”(BE15-6026082).

BE23-6062007 won 11° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and is a granddaughter to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)

The sixth prize was won by the checkered hen BE23-6062298. She wins 14° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 6° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 5 loftmates). Her father is the proven racer “Jos the Boss”(BE20-6166218). Her mother is a daughter to “Olympic La Donna”(BE18-6020283) x “Young Mustang”(BE15-6026285).

BE23-6062298 won 14° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds

The seventh prize was won by the checkered cock BE23-6062091. He wins 15° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 7° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 6 loftmates). Earlier this season he already won 43° National Bourges (472km) 20,328 pigeons. He is bred from the super pair “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201). That means, BE23-6062091 is a full brother to “Blanca 1”(BE21-6138132).

BE23-6062091 is a very talented ful brother to "Blanca 1"(BE21-6138132)

The eight prize was won by the checkered white flight hen BE23-6062276. She wins 17° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 8° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 7 loftmates). Her father is the top breeder “Puncher”(BE17-6025361). Her mother is the famous hen “Sugar”(BE18-6020227).

BE23-6062276 won 17° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and is a daughter to "Puncher"(BE17-6025361) x "Sugar"(BE18-6020227)

The nineth prize was won by the checkered cock BE23-6062047. He wins 18° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds / 9° Noyon (208km) 541 birds (after 8 loftmates). His father is another top breeder, the dark checkered cock “London”(BE16-6032120). His mother is the famous “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108).

BE23-6062047 won 18° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 5,511 birds and is a daughter to "London"(BE16-6032120) x "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)

The amazing "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)

“Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108) won a.o. :   
1° fast. Provincial Bourges (479km) 9,041 p. (1,227 m/min)
1° fast. National zone Chateauroux (526km) 2,650 p. (1,081 m/min) (8h7min flying)
1° fast. Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,280 p. (7 minutes ahead)
6° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,099 p.
2° National z. Bourges (479km) 4,313 p.
60° National Bourges (479km) 34,311 p.
265° National Chateauroux (526km) 24,617 p.
279° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
42° National z. Issoudun (505km) 1,360 p. (other race)
1° Chevrain (354km) 869 p.
7° Melun (310km) 2,063 p.
24° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 7,238 p.
9° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 512 p.
11° Argenton (555km) 473 p.
13° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.
16° Bourges (479km) 747 p.
17° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
18° Noyon (208km) 662 p.