Our pigeons won the following results:
30/07/2022 Nanteuil (259km)
South Antwerp Federation 1,306 youngsters: 1-2-3-4-5-8-12-13-14-15-16-19-20-21-23-24-25-27-… 48/81
South Antwerp Federation 451 old birds: 2-4-6-8-13-14-16-26-28-… 22/23 (old birds + yearlings)
South Antwerp Federation 297 yearlings: 2-3-5-9-10-12-17-25-26-… 18/19
-> 1°, 2°, 3°, 4° and 5° fastest of 1,757 birds
The first prize was won by the dark hen BE22-6020179. She wins 1° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds / 10° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds. BE22-6020179 is a half-sister to former top racing hen “Rose”(BE18-6020078). Her mother is a daughter to “Samsung”(BE15-6026082).
BE22-6020179 wins 1° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds / 10° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds
The second prize was won by checkered hen BE22-6020155. She wins 2° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after a loftmate) / 15° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds. Her father is BE21-6138110, a top son to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) who is a part of our racing team. The mother of BE22-6020155 is a daughter to “Super Elektro”(BE15-6026571). BE22-6020155 is a talented youngster, she won three early prizes on the three official races she has flown so far in her life.
BE22-6020155 wins 2° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after a loftmate) / 15° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds
BE22-6020155 won on her three first races:
2° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 p. (after loftmate)
2° Nanteuil (259km) 1,306 p. (after loftmate)
15° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 p.
4° Noyon (208km) 1,339 p.
12° Noyon (208km) 1,312 p.
BE21-6138110 won a.o. :
1° Melun (310km) 652 p.
2° fast. Melun (310km) 2,110 p.
8° Nanteuil (259km) 1,540 p.
13° Melun (310km) 670 p. (after 12 loftmates)
18° Noyon (208km) 449 p.
The third prize was won by the checkered hen BE22-6020277. She wins 3° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 2 loftmates) / 16° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds. She is another promising child of our top breeder “London”(BE16-6032120). The mother of BE22-6020277 is “Pink Elektra”(BE17-6259749), a top daughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). BE22-6020277 is a full sister to “Madrid”(BE19-6016217), winner of 1° National z. Limoges (672km) 2,875 pigeons / 5° National Limoges (672km) 9,756 pigeons.
BE22-6020277 wins 3° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 2 loftmates) / 16° fast. Provincial Nanteuil (259km) 8,292 birds
The fourth prize was won by the checkered hen BE22-6020233. She wins 4° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 3 loftmates). Her mother is our top hen BE20-6166100, probably the best child of “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089). Her father is the checkered cock BE20-6166268. He is a son to “Elektro Junior”(BE16-6032012) and a proven racer. BE20-6166268 and BE20-6166100 are both current racers and we coupled them together during the winter. The beautiful young hen BE22-6020233 was the result of this pairing.
BE22-6020233 wins 4° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 3 loftmates) and is a daughter to BE20-6166100
"Iron Man"(BE17-6025089) is a top breeder
The fifth prize was won by the checkered cock BE22-6020194. He wins 5° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 4 loftmates). He is a full brother to our new leading lady “Blanca”(BE21-6138132). BE22-6020194 is a son from the pairing “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201). On his previous race BE22-6020194 already won 8° Noyon (208km) 1,312 pigeons.
BE22-6020194 wins 5° fast. Nanteuil (259km) 1,757 birds (after 4 loftmates) and is a brother to "Blanca"(BE21-6138132)
Also the checkered hen BE22-6020283 was early (12° / 1,306 birds). She is a full sister to our new leading leady "Blanca"(BE21-6138132). BE22-6020283 is daughter son from the pairing “Ito”(BE17-6025336) x “Elektro Princess”(BE17-6025201).
And also our first nominated BE22-6020260 won an early prize (13° / 1,306 birds). She is a daughter to "Samsung"(BE15-6026082) x "Mustang Delvaux"(BE19-6016091). "Mustang Delvaux"(BE19-6016091) is a top daughter to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237).
"Mustang Delvaux"(BE19-6016091) is top quality
Also our old birds performed well on this race. We had a very high prize percentage (22/23 !) and several birds in the top 10. Our first arrival was the blue hen BE21-6138115. She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).
Our second old bird was our first nominated “Donald Duck”(BE21-6138064). He is a real top racer. If not beaten by loftmates, this yearling cock would have already won six (!) first prizes! “Donald Duck”(BE21-6138064) is a son to “White Elektro”(BE14-6175573).
Top racer "Donald Duck"(BE21-6138064)
“Donald Duck”(BE21-6138064) won a.o. :
1° Sermaises (362km) 1,684 p.
2° Melun (310km) 652 p. (after a loftmate)
3° fast. Melun (310km) 2,110 p.
2° Noyon (208km) 515 p.(after a loftmate)
2° Noyon (208km) 324 p. (after a loftmate)
11° fast. Provincial Noyon (208km) 9,176 p.
3° Melun (310km) 229 p. (after 2 loftmates)
4° Melun (310km) 572 p.
10° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 4,038 p.
4° Nanteuil (259km) 451 p.
9° Melun (310km) 670 p. (after 8 loftmates)
6° Noyon (208km) 449 p.
21° Melun (310km) 2,110 p.