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1° + 2° National z. La Souterraine (593km) and much more!

We had another very successful weekend at our loft. The weather circumstances were tough with mainly head winds. We entered birds on three different races and excelled on all of them. In this article we will present you our first arrivals on the La Souterraine (593km) race. The bird were already released on Friday. It was a tough race with average velocities below 1,180 m/min. We won the 1° and 2° National zone and many more top prizes! A special daughter of our top hen “Mustang Queen”(BE19-6016108) brough the national zone victory back to Vremde. She had an impressive lead of 10 minutes on the number two in the race, her own loftmate!

Our birds won the following results :

15/07/2022 La Souterraine (593km)
National zone 994 yearlings: 1-2-30-60-43-…  8/16
National 6,761 yearlings: 6-27-…  8/16

National zone 704 old birds: 3-9-17-25-34-35-50-51-85-…  15/21
National 4,907 old birds: 30-54-…  15/21

16/07/2022 Melun (310km)
Union Antwerpen West 572 old birds: 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-18-24-25-26-32-42-44-49-…  28/35 (old birds + yearlings)
Union Antwerpen 1,189 old birds: 3-4-6-7-9-11-12-13-15-18-29-47-49-52-64-…  28/35 (old birds + yearlings)
Fastest birds province of Antwerp 4,038 birds: 4-6-10-11-15-26-27-29-39-44-52-64-70-83-89-95-…

Union Antwerpen West 363 yearlings: 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-17-22-23-33-34-…  24/31
Union Antwerpen 778 yearlings: 3-4-6-7-9-11-12-13-15-18-27-39-41-…  24/31

South Antwerp Federation 778 old birds: 3-5-7-8-9-16-27-30-40-46-51-64-70-…  26/38
South Antwerp Federation 513 yearlings: 2-3-5-6-7-17-19-23-28-32-…  22/32
South Antwerp Federation 1,329 youngsters: 3-4-6-7-12-15-17-18-19-22-23-26-27-34-41-47-59-64-66-72-79-…  49/70

(we raced Melun in two different federations)

17/07/2022 Noyon (208km)
Federation 1,312 youngsters: 6-8-12-16-20-21-38-45-47-…  57/83


Our star of the weekend was the blue hen "Mustang Malika"(BE21-6138254). She wins on a tough race 1° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 pigeons (lead of 10 minutes) / 6° National La Souterraine (593km) 6,761 pigeons / 9° fast. National La Souterraine (593km) 11,668 pigeons. "Mustang Malika"(BE21-6138254) is a direct daughter to our star racer "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)! Malika is the Arabic word for Queen ... 

"Mustang Malika"(BE21-6138254) won 1° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 pigeons and is a daughter to "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)

"Mustang Malika"(BE21-6138254) won on the two national races she has flown this year:
1° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 p. (10 minutes ahead (1,145 m/min) 
6° National La Souterraine (593km) 6,761 p.
9° fast. National La Souterraine (593km) 11,668 p.
1° Bourges (485km) 580 p. (1,228 m/min)
2° fast. Bourges (485km) 1,327 p. (after a loftmate)
23° National z. Bourges (485km) 4,913 p.
119° National Bourges (485km) 24,221 p.

"Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108) won a.o. :
1° fast. Provincial Bourges (479km) 9,041 p. (1,227 m/min)
1° fast. National zone Chateauroux (526km) 2,650 p. (1,081 m/min) (8h7min flying)
1° fast. Provincial Chateauroux (526km) 2,280 p. (7 minutes ahead)
6° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,099 p.
2° National z. Bourges (479km) 4,313 p.
60° National Bourges (479km) 34,311 p.
265° National Chateauroux (526km) 24,617 p.
279° National Issoudun (505km) 9,777 p.
42° National z. Issoudun (505km) 1,360 p. (other race)
1° Chevrain (354km) 869 p.
7° Melun (310km) 2,063 p.
24° fast. Provincial Melun (310km) 7,238 p.
9° Melun (310km) 2,897 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 512 p.
11° Argenton (555km) 473 p.
13° Noyon (208km) 1,613 p.
16° Bourges (479km) 747 p.
17° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.
18° Noyon (208km) 662 p.

The amazing "Mustang Queen"(BE19-6016108)


Our second arrival was the checkered hen “Silver Elektra”(BE21-6138032). She wins on a tough race 2° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 pigeons (after a loftmate) / 27° National La Souterraine (593km) 6,761 pigeons. She is a granddaughter to “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). Her father is also the father to the top hen “Rose”(BE18-6020078), who won 1° fast. Provincial Issoudun (504km) 3,547 pigeons and 3° National Chateauroux (526km) 17,281 pigeons.

"Silver Elektra"(BE21-6138032) won 2° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 994 pigeons 


Arrival number three was the blue hen BE20-6166276. She was our first nominated bird. BE20-6166276 is a granddaughter to “Mustang”. She flies in three weeks: a 505km race, a 590km race and a 593km race. Three time she won an early prize!

BE20-6166276 won a.o. :
1° La Souterraine (593km) club
3° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 704 p.
30° National La Souterraine (593km) 4,907 p.
34° National z. Issoudun (505km) 1,360 p.
82° National z. Gueret (590km) 1,331 p.
5° Sermaises (362km) 1,226 p.
8° Melun (310km) 1,647  p.
8° Melun (310km) 1,026 p.
7° Noyon (208km) 349 p.
13° Sermaises (362km) 1,144 p.

BE20-6166276 won 3° National z. La Souterraine (593km) and is a granddaugther to "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)


Our fourth arrival was the checkered hen BE20-6166050. She is again a daughter to “Iron Man”(BE17-6025089) x “Cobra”(BE14-6175418). She is a sister to many toppers, like for instance BE20-6166100.

BE20-6166050 is another top child to "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)

BE20-6166050 won a.o. :
9° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 704 p.
54° National La Souterraine (593km) 4,907 p.
64° National Chateauroux (526km) 7,674 p.
33° National z. Argenton (555km) 1,615 p.
3° Bourges (485km) 747 p.
32° National z. Bourges (479km) 5,148 p.
155° National Bourges (479km) 33,410 p.
16° Sermaises (362km) 1,917 p.
8° Noyon (208km) 636 p.
10° Noyon (208km) 1,029 p.

Top bird "Iron Man"(BE17-6025089)


Our next arrival was the blue hen BE20-6166111. She has already got some nice records on her track. BE20-6166111 is a daughter to “Green Elektro”(BE16-6032101), one of the best breeding children of “Elektro”(BE08-6174630). The mother of BE20-6166111 is “Hainan 84”(BE17-6025484), who is a double grandchild to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).

BE20-6166111 won a.o. :
49° National Issoudun (505km) 14,758 p.
80° National Gueret (590km) 8,375 p.
17° National z. La Souterraine (593km) 704 p.
50° National z. Argenton (555km) 1,615 p.
11° Melun (310km) 2,630 p.

The strong hen BE20-6166111

"Green Elektro"(BE16-6032101) is a top breeding son to "Elektro"(BE08-6174630)


Our sixth arrival was the dark white flight hen BE21-6138179. She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). As a youngster she won 1° Chateauroux (526km) 545 pigeons / 32° National Chateauroux (526km) 18,741 pigeons.


Our seventh bird was the blue hen BE21-6138133. She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237).



Our next pigeon was the checkered hen BE20-6166121. She is a daughter to “Super Elektro”(BE15-6026571).

"Super Elektro"(BE15-6026571)


Arrival number nine was the checkered hen BE21-6138092. She is a daughter to “Origi”(BE13-6026050) and a granddaughter to “Young Mustang”(BE15-6026285).


Arrival number ten was the white hen BE20-6166226. She is a granddaughter to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237). On her previous race this completely white hen won 8° Provincial Tulle (657km) against 892 birds. On this race the birds had to stay in the basket for a whole week.