The Polish fanciers Marek and Andrzej Lyjak have a top breeder at their loft. His name is “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238). He is a 100% Hok Jos Vercammen pigeon. “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238) is an inbreeding double grandson to “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) and “Vitara”(BE10-6052150).
Children of “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238) won a.o. :
1° against 2,640 birds (159km)
2° against 1,451 birds (195km)
3° against 1,451 birds (195km)
3° against 1,112 birds (567km)
4° against 2,643 birds (270km)
5° against 2,423 birds (159km)
5° against 1,618 birds (556km)
5° against 848 birds (357km)
9° against 1,198 birds (257km)
10° against 1,218 birds (195km)
10° against 2,640 birds (159km)
12° against 2,423 birds (159km)
14° against 2,423 birds (159km)
16° against 1,006 birds (270km)
18° against 2,926 birds (159km)
World class pigeon "Mustang"(BE14-6175237)
"Vitara"(BE10-6052150) is the grandmother to “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238)
Last weekend a child of “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238), the bird PL-DE-19-612957, won the 1° prize against 2,640 birds (159km) for father and son Lyjak.
PL-DE-19-612957 won a.o. :
1° against 2,640 birds (159km)
5° against 1,618 birds (556km)
5° against 848 birds (357km)
Another child of “Szeryf”(PL0452-17-1238) won on the same race last weekend 11° against 2,640 birds (159km)!
Interesting fact: on that same race the 2° prize winner against 2,640 birds (159km) also had some Hok Jos Vercammen blood in its veins. This pigeon is a 25% Vercammen bird and is related to “Zara”(BE15-6026038), that top racing hen who is a grandchild to “Barco”(BE01-6387350) and “Elektro”(BE08-6174630).
Top hen "Zara"(BE15-6026038)
At the end of the season 2021 the bird PL0424-20-182 won 1° against 568 birds (567km) / 2° against 1,267 birds (567km) / 3° against 8,092 birds (567km). This bird is a 25% Hok Jos Vercammen pigeon. Our bird “Mustang”(BE14-6175237) can be found twice in this bird’s pedigree.
Many congratulations to Marek and Andrzej Lyjak and we wish you all the best this racing season.