One of the most famous and most difficult One Loft Races in China is the Hui Neng Autumn Race in Xi’an, also known as the Wei Li One Loft Race. Xi’an is situated in the West of China and is the capital of the province Shaanxi. Over 6,500,000 people are living in this beautiful city. We have visited Xi’an several times in the past and we consider it as one of the absolute pearls of China!
Lars and Ilke Vercammen on a visit to the beautiful city Xi'an with the famous Terracotta Army
Every year thousands of pigeons are contending for the title of 1st Ace-pigeon in the Wei Li One Loft Race. It is one of the most prestigious titles for pigeon racers in China. Mr. Wang Wei did an amazing performance: he had the 1st Ace-pigeon in the Wei Li One Loft Race in the year 2019 AND the year 2020! And to make this achievement even more unique, these two 1st Ace-pigeons were bred from the same parents! These birds are both descendants of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169), an original Hok Jos Vercammen pigeon and a former super racer.
Former Belgian top racer "Favoriet"(BE05-6234169) has later become a superbreeder in China
Who are these two super Ace-pigeon in the Wei Li One Loft Race (Xi’an, China) ? Let us start with “Wei Li Winner 2020”(CHN2020-26-0558572). This dark cock was the 1st Ace-pigeon of the Wei Li One Loft Race 2020 (Xi’an, China). On top of that he won also the 1° prize on the final race! The racing distance was 486km and there were still 3,336 pigeons competing for this final race. “Wei Li Winner 2020”(CHN2020-26-0558572) is a 25% Hok Jos Vercammen pigeon, he is a descendant of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169).
“Wei Li Winner 2020”(CHN2020-26-0558572), the phenomenal winner and 1st Ace-pigeon of the famous Wei Li One Loft Race 2020
CHN2020-26-0558572 won a.o. :
1st Ace-pigeon Wei Li One Loft Race 2020 (Xi’an, China)
1° Final Race (486km) against 3,336 pigeons
47° Third race (393km) against 4,279 pigeons
75° Second race (283km) against 4,255 pigeons
The second superstar that we will introduce to you is “Wei Li Winner 2019”( CHN2019-26-0319998). As already mentioned above he is a full brother to “Wei Li Winner 2020”(CHN2020-26-0558572). “Wei Li Winner 2019”( CHN2019-26-0319998) was the 1st Ace-pigeon of the Wei Li One Loft Race 2019 (Xi’an, China). He won the 4° prize on the final race. The racing distance was 487km and there were still 1,893 pigeons competing for this final race.
“Wei Li Winner 2019”( CHN2019-26-0319998), the 1st Ace-pigeon of the Wei Li One Loft Race 2019
CHN2019-26-0319998 won a.o. :
1st Ace-pigeon Wei Li One Loft Race 2019 (Xi’an, China)
4° Final Race (487km) against 1,893 pigeons
51° Third race (393km) against 2,580 pigeons
88° Second race (283km) against 3,039 pigeons
The Hui Neng One Loft Race in Xi'an (China)
The descendants of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) have been very successful in China on the One Loft Races. Mr. Wang Wei sent us very proudly a short overview of the performances of the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169).
In final races of Chinese One Loft Races the off springs of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) have won the 1° - 1° - 2° - 3° and 4° prize!
More than 30 different descendants of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) have won a Top 5 position in a final or semi-final race of an One Loft Race.
The number of pigeons that won a Top 100 position and is related to “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) has become uncountable for Mr. Wang Wei. It is really amazing!
“Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) is a former top racer at our loft in Vremde. He was crowned as 9th National Ace-pigeon KBDB Long Distance. He won amongst others 1° Provincial Brive (704km) against 1,253 pigeons. The weather circumstances were very tough on this race.
Another picture of "Favoriet"(BE05-6234169)
“Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) won a.o. :
9th Nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB Long Distance
1° Provincial Brive (704km) 1,253 p.
2° Dourdan (366km) 139 p.
9° Provincial Cahors (776km)
8° Limoges (634km) 403 p.
10° National z. Brive (704km) 4,189 p.
26° National z. Cahors (776km) 1,605 p.
47° National Brive (704km) 14,511 p.
“Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) is a descendant of our basic pigeon “Panter”(BE86-606506). In his pedigree you will find the name “Panter”(BE86-6056506) no less than three times! “Panter”(BE86-6056506) is the ancestor of famous “Barco”(BE01-6387350). The mother of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) is “Luna”(BE04-6058148), former winner of 1° Semi-national La Souterraine (593km) ! This La Souterraine race was a very difficult race. “Luna”(BE04-6025148) also became mother of the super cock “Rolex”(BE06-6270302), 2x 1st Ace-pigeon Union Antwerpen and 1° National z. Argenton (555km) against 3,785 pigeons! The grandfather of “Favoriet”(BE05-6234169) is “Mitu”(BE02-6058048). “Mitu”(BE02-6058048) was one of the super Vercammen pigeons of the early 21st century. He excelled especially on the 600-700km races.
Congratulations to Mr. Wang Wei with these exceptional results. This is an amazing reference for our loft and we are proud on the fact that the off springs of the Hok Jos Vercammen pigeons are performing worldwide on a high level!